How would you prefer to die—quickly without warning or slowly over time?
How would you prefer to die—quickly without warning or slowly over time?
What insults your intelligence?
What insults your intelligence?
What’s one conviction you hold that you would be willing to die for?
What’s one conviction you hold that you would be willing to die for?
Have you ever been falsely accused? Describe the situation and how you felt about it.
Have you ever been falsely accused? Describe the situation and how you felt about it.
If you just found out you had only two weeks to live, what top three things would you do? Why?
If you just found out you had only two weeks to live, what top three things would you do? Why?
What do you suspect people say about you behind your back?
What do you suspect people say about you behind your back?
What hot topic usually turns into an argument with you?
What hot topic usually turns into an argument with you?
What one person in your life do you find the most challenging? Explain.
What one person in your life do you find the most challenging? Explain.
What’s something about you that no one knows?
What’s something about you that no one knows?
What one thing do you fear more than anything else?
What one thing do you fear more than anything else?