When you need to confront someone, would you rather communicate in person, on the phone, by e-mail, or by letter? Why?
When you need to confront someone, would you rather communicate in person, on the phone, by e-mail, or by letter? Why?
Do you prefer that people shoot straight with you or carefully temper their words? Why?
Do you prefer that people shoot straight with you or carefully temper their words? Why?
What’s one thing you would rather pay someone to do than do yourself? Why?
What’s one thing you would rather pay someone to do than do yourself? Why?
What’s your preferred way to meet new people? Explain.
What’s your preferred way to meet new people? Explain.
What’s your most treasured piece of jewelry? Why?
What’s your most treasured piece of jewelry? Why?
What’s your reaction toward people who are outspoken about their beliefs? What conditions cause you to dislike or, conversely, enjoy talking with them?
What’s your reaction toward people who are outspoken about their beliefs? What conditions cause you to dislike or, conversely, enjoy talking with them?
What is something that bothers you if it is not done perfectly? Why is that so?
What is something that bothers you if it is not done perfectly? Why is that so?
What are the best and worst sounds in the world?
What are the best and worst sounds in the world?
Growing up, what was your favorite fairy tale or children’s story? Why?
Growing up, what was your favorite fairy tale or children’s story? Why?
Of all the tools and gadgets you own, which one do you most enjoy using?
Of all the tools and gadgets you own, which one do you most enjoy using?