What’s one book you recommend and why?
What’s one book you recommend and why?
What annoys you most about women?
What annoys you most about women?
What annoys you most about men?
What annoys you most about men?
What do you like most about women?
What do you like most about women?
What do you like most about men?
What do you like most about men?
What’s your favorite genre of literature?
What’s your favorite genre of literature?
What real person, dead or alive, do you wish you could be more like? Why?
What real person, dead or alive, do you wish you could be more like? Why?
Who is your favorite musician, and how often have you seen him or her perform?
Who is your favorite musician, and how often have you seen him or her perform?
Where’s your favorite place to be? Why?
Where’s your favorite place to be? Why?
When you are home alone, do you need the stereo, radio, or TV turned on? Or do you prefer the quiet? Explain.
When you are home alone, do you need the stereo, radio, or TV turned on? Or do you prefer the quiet? Explain.